This list is up for revision - so if you have better resources to offer let me know. If on the other hand you want me to sell something for you - please give me money or don't bother me. I personally find much of what is written about dyslexia is either disingenuous or downright ignorant. The writing is not meant to empower the students, teacher or parents - merely to placate parents and help maintain an uneasy unholy alliance between schools and government in which a lot of people are gainfully employed and a lot of children willfully ignored.
I started out this list as a simple to do and find myself, here days later, a little pissed off at the state of blogosphere today. Are we as dyslexics so castrated as to have no voice? Are we with these few exceptions just lying down and taking it? What the hell? I am lucky to have reached these ten - I started out looking for blogs but I had to settle with resources because I couldn't find ten blogs that met my standards for inclusion.
1) Jonathan Mooney's Website
Normally I wouldn't even consider a small site like this for the list, let alone for recommending as resource for parents, let alone top of the list, but the man is a genius. His book made me cry and I love him for that. The review will be coming our next week so come back and check it out if you get the chance. The to go resource for living with dyslexia in the system.
2) The Davis Method
Look I don't know if it works. I don't care if it works - what I care about it is that they are trying something and they are by many accounts succeeding - without drugs or expensive therapies - maybe soon I will have a long conversation with a practitioner of the Davis method. They don't feel like some other slick outfits that charge thousands of dollars for snake oil, but some nice people trying there best with a difficult deal. In recognition for their efforts I place them in 2nd.
3) The Dyslexic Storytellers Blog
Well clearly this blog is the best on the subject. LOL
I still dream of having other dyslexic people join me in writing posts of their experience in modern educational settings or in succeeding with overcoming there dyslexia. I invite you to help me spread the word. Here are the rules to submitting a post
a) No corrections by anyone else.
b) No selling or self-promotion of books, etc..
c) All real experience of dyslexic people is welcome here
Like many blog actually written by a dyslexic person this blog does not post that often. But the writer is really striking at the underpinnings of the intellectual crusade that terrorizes dyslexic people all over the englishdom. I found his posts witty and a cleaver counter point to the old and some what out dated thought patterns else where in the blogosphere. A bright light in another wise dark room.
5) Eide Neurolearning Blog
Examining the brain and it's relationship dyslexia and other LDS issues. I enjoy every time I have found myself reading it.
6) Myomancy ADHD, Dyslexia and Autism
Examining the world of LDS this blog does not publish enough.
7) The Dyslexia in Victoria Blog
This blog is a fresh if traditional perspective on dyslexia and learning in Canada.
8) Travel and Photography from the Dyslexic Point of View
I enjoy reading this blog - always surprising and inventive. Not always on topic but follows the rule that we love here - spelling after content - let not the lack of ability to spell stop us from delivering the message.
9) The Dyslexic Blog
Pretty mainstream in its perspective. But has some fresher thoughts and perspectives of all the different parent resources on dyslexia perspective online.
10) Your suggestion...
There are fifteen wonderful website that are conspicually absent from this list. They are absent because they represent an orthodox perspective that is based on old world beliefs. Before you recommend one of them ask yourself; Does this website validate the idea of school over education?
Does this website empower dyslexic children?
Does this website recognize the ability of children to co-create?
Finally does this website have an inherit self interest in children or dyslexia being a problem that should fixed or solved?
Thanks for the kind words and the interest in my blog. I had always planned on writing more about dyslexia but found that I enjoyed using it as a platform to write worry free and in turn it has helped me work through my dyslexia.
JP of Jaypiddy's Blog
Thanks a lot for putting my blog on your list !!
Here in Turkey we are about 30yrs behind countries like the US concerning knowledge of dyslexia.
Most teachers and parents remain oblvious of such a thing as learning disabilities or differences.
I have had to teach myself about the subject in order to help my child .I am just grateful of the internet from which I have learnt a lot !! Its great to think you can contact people from all around the world about dyslexia.
This year there will be a World Forum on dyslexia held by UNESCO
( see DITT site ).
I write two blogs one in English and one in Turkish - There are some Turkish parents who know English so they can use both blogs.I also thought people like me who live abroad may be interested in what I have learnt. If I was in the UK - life would be a lot easier as there are many support groups and loads of resources. Here support groups are few and far between and there are few resources in Turkish.
I try to give examples of resources which are free or inexpensive since here in Turkey economically people are worse off.Many things from the US or UK are too expensive to buy .
My child goes to a normal state school and gets no support. Sometimes I get downhearted however the blog is therapeutic for me and helps me stay postive.
I am not afraid of dyslexia just of the education system.!!
Good luck with your blog and all your other work .
Thank you. Some really excellent resources here. I have addd you to my blogroll. Cheers, Rosemountjohn.
Just like the other comments - thanks for linking to our blog. I have had a chance to check your blogs out and some of your other writing. We appreciate and agree with the direction of your information.
I want to put a link on our website to your blog for our readers and clients. I just wanted to make sure you were all right with it.
Our clients are always looking for websites about Dyslexia from an approach different from the mainstream and a more personal point of view (not clinical or learning disabilities based).
Thanks very much and look forward to hearing from you.
Karey Hope
Dyslexia Victoria Online
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